Friday 20 January 2012

Priority #1! Construction Safety...

While the profit motive drives construction businesses, the interests of staff and workers should always be paramount. Under time and budget pressure, te temptation to cut corners or rush preparation leads to accidents and injuries. Much research has been done to show that lots time from injuries in construction makes unsafe work practices counter productive. The cost of lost-time injuries is generally more than the cost saved by rushing a particular aspect of the project.
The Occupational Health and Safety Association in the United States has recently released figures assessing the impact of lost-time injuries and related cost. The powerpoint presentation Workers' Compensation Costs of Falls in Construction summarises the findings.
In addition to accidents, ill-health related to construction activities also deserves attention. The Association for Project Safety (APS) in the UK has said in the past that "Ill-health issues need to be a serious focus of attention – so that all who are involved in construction are aware that these are matters that cannot be 'given the nod', that all processes, materials and circumstances that can give rise to ill-health should be eliminated wherever possible, or at least reduced to absolutely minimum exposure levels, so that all who work in construction on our projects can go home safe and healthy – and remain so."

1 comment:

  1. Prevention & construction site safety will always be priority #1, seeing as how accidents will always happen.
